nihil obstat

Don't ask for the facts unless you want the truth.

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Saturday, July 27, 2002
I strive to be consistently clear about accountability.

Your arguments cannot be taken seriously if your writing is constantly marred by errors.
This should be self-evident, but it obviously isn't, at least for a few folks.

from comment #12 to this post at Amy Welborn's blog:
"layity" (3 times)
"sacrements" (twice)

Friday, July 26, 2002
Corrections of a Catholic (blogger)

first appearance by Chris Hart's new blog:

"... a beautiful metitation ..."
".. to go through with her pregancy ..."
"... 'terminate' a pregancy ..."
"... understand's the Church's current problems.
"...speak from, say, nostaligia ..."
"... the scadal in the U.S. ..."

Thursday, July 25, 2002
so much for the subtle approach

I tried to point them out here, but Gerard Serafin apparently didn't notice the comments,
so here are two new members of St. Blog's Parish:

Little Latin, Less Greek (yes, again!)
Confessions... ...of an accidental choir director

The link to Guilty Bystander is actually to a single post.
No great loss, since the newest post on that blog is dated June 28.

Wednesday, July 24, 2002
Spelling and the Catholic Blogger

from A Religion of Sanity:

"This is not a sublimnation of sex ..."
"It's living without callouses ..."
"To paraphase Thomas Moore ..."

Tuesday, July 23, 2002

I have been waiting for this classic error to show up - drum roll, please - here it is at In Formation:

"Neither does Rev. Richard McBrien, who is always chomping at the bit to speak out
in favor of a different sort of Church."

I'm betting that you don't see anything wrong with that sentence.
Click here to learn about the error and how it may be corrected.

Monday, July 22, 2002
no such Disney popsicle

Today's post on Minute Particulars ends:
"So, sad as it may seem to some, Walt Disney won’t be watching Teddy Ballgame
put the wood on the ol’ apple anytime in the future."

No, indeed not. Walt Disney was not frozen in a cryonic chamber!

new blog, same apostrophe catastrophes

"Blog, GoodForm, Blog" failed to live up to its name in this post:
(note to Gerard Serafin: The name of the blog is now simply "GoodForm".)

"... Lets pray ..."
"... Lets not forget ..."
"... Lets see ..."
"...Midieval Times ..."
"... catch it's prey ..."

Sunday, July 21, 2002
"Use"age problems get Lively, again!

BAD news: The delightful Kathryn Lively will soon join the ranks of what I call the involuntary leisure class.

GOOD (well, at least better) news: Links to individual posts are actually working!

"... people who have published book ..."
"Who know how far ..."
"... (though you can buy Little Flowers as an e-book for cheap at FrancisIsidore."
"I use to feel safe ..."